Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"I see..."

One of the things I enjoyed doing was to helped the children discover their creativity. Recently we had fun playing with colours and getting them to share what they see in their painting. Here are some great works that I just want to share it here.

Sokkhan: " I see a monkey with painted face."

Riettrai: "This is a tree with green leaves and beautiful red flowers."

Meng Hong: "I don't really know what this look like...hmm...maybe an x-ray of my brain?"

Chomran: "I just like how the colours mixed with each other.
I can look at the colours for hours."

Chantla: "Lion!"

Lai Heng: "I think this one look like a cartoon character. Those with super power."

Chan Tee: "Hm...a bug?"

1 comment:

某年某月某一天 said...

Eh! All painting quiet special.Never see before